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Q: What is the name of eubacteria with protective walls that are resistant to heat and cold?
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Are eubacteria with protective walls that are resistant to heat and cold?


. are eubacteria with protective walls that are resistant to heat and cold.?


What are eubacteria with protective walls that are resistant to heat and cold?


What are eubacteria with protective walls that are resistant to heat and cold.?


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By going to a gym after you have defeated the Seriyu Leader and selecting Train Cold Tolerance.

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Sage is drought resistant and tolerates cold weather.

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technology that is resistant to cold, heat, winds and sand

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Something that grows fast and prolific and lasts a long time into cold wet weather. Mostly hybrids that have disease resistant parents.

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Ice IS water- very cold water. It cannot be "resistant" to itself.

How do slugs stick to walls?

they adapt in there as it is normally cold and wet and slugs like cold wet places.