

Best Answer

I think the word you are looking for is - an egg!

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Q: What is the name of the casing out of which a bird hatches?
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How does woodpecker develop?

It is a bird. A bird hatches from an egg.

What is an example of a bird which is active as soon as it hatches?


Who usually cares for a bird when it hatches?

It depends on the species of birds.

What male species of bird kill itself when its young hatches?


What does a birds egg do?

It either hatches and a baby bird comes out, or the egg rots.

What happens if a baby bird hatches too soon?

unfortunatly the bird could (could not yes) die. im sorry.

When a baby bird hatches is the bird yellow?

Well, baby chickens are yellow, but most birds are just grey when yhey are newly hatched.

What do you do next when your egg hatches on secret builders?

After your egg hatches you name your pet and then you can take care of it.

What is the name of the entrance door on a submarine?

they're not called doors, they're called hatches. the enternace hatches are normally called emergency escape hatches.

How big is the pigeons egg before it hatches?

THe same size as when it was laid. Bird eggs don't stretch

How do ladybugs grow and develop?

first it is an egg then it hatches then is a larva then pupa and finally the adult lady bird

Does a peregrine falcon chicks hatches from eggs?

A peregrine falcon is a bird of prey, and the chicks do hatch from eggs.