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Metabolic acidosis

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1w ago

Respiratory acidosis is a medical condition where asthmatic patients can have a blood pH of 7.30. It occurs when the lungs can't remove enough carbon dioxide, leading to an increase in acidity in the blood. It can be a serious condition that requires medical intervention.

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Q: What is the name of the medical condition of an ashmatic patient with a blood PH of 7.30?
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How much oxygen does a patient undergoing oxygen therapy receive?

The amount of oxygen a patient receives during oxygen therapy can vary depending on their medical condition and prescribed therapy. Typically, oxygen therapy can provide anywhere from 1-6 liters of oxygen per minute to help maintain adequate oxygen levels in the blood. The goal is to maintain oxygen saturation levels above 90%.

Can you give o negative blood to o positive patient?

No, it is not recommended to give O negative blood to an O positive patient, as the patient has antibodies that could react against the negative blood type. It is safer to give O positive or Rh positive blood to an O positive patient.

Is it safe to transfuse AB to an AB- blood patient?

Yes, it is safe to transfuse AB blood to an AB- blood patient because the AB blood type is the universal recipient. However, it is always important to ensure that the blood is cross-matched to check for compatibility and to monitor the patient for any adverse reactions during and after the transfusion.

What happens when the air and the blood mixes?

When air enters the bloodstream, it can lead to a condition called an air embolism, which can be life-threatening. Air bubbles in the blood vessels can block blood flow, leading to tissue damage and potentially causing a stroke, heart attack, or other serious complications. Immediate medical attention is necessary to address an air embolism.

What is pure hyperglyceridemia?

Pure hypertriglyceridemia is a condition characterized by elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood. It can be caused by genetic factors, lifestyle choices (such as diet and physical activity), or medical conditions. People with pure hypertriglyceridemia are at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

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Most of the time whole blood is not used because the patient's medical condition can be treated with a blood component and too much whole blood can raise a recipient's blood pressure. High blood pressure can have medical side effects

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.Any underlying medical condition, such as high blood treated prior to bypass surgery.Regular medications.may be discontinued in some patients. Routine pre-operative blood and urine tests are performed when the patient is admitted.

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Hyperglycemia is a medical term for excessive sugar (glucose) in the blood.

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What does the term Blood in The Chest means?

The medical term for the condition of blood in the chest cavity is hemothorax. This condition may result from trauma.

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What condition is called when patient's skin lips tongue ear lobes or nail beds are blue or grey?

The medical term is 'cyanosis'. It usually occurs when the patient's respiratory system is shutting down - resulting in non-oxygenated blood cirulating through the body.

What medical condition involves excess levels of monosaccharides in the blood?

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High blood concentrations of uric acid can lead to gout. Gout is the most commonly associated medical condition with high blood concentrations of uric acid.

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