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Q: What is the name of the orange muppet?
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Related questions

What is pumpkin orange?

Pumpkin is a shade of orange that is commonly associated with pumpkins, it is also the name of an Anything Muppet pattern (the tall kind with the oval head)

What color in Elmo the Muppet's nose?

Your Answer: OrangeDid you know:Elmo is a Muppet on the children's television show Sesame Street. He is a furry red monster with large white eyes and an orange nose.

What was the name of the first Muppet film?

The Muppet Movie

what is the source of muppet name?

The word muppet means when people don't fit into the environment

Is there a muppet fan club?

no because there already is a muppet fan her name is riley mcachran

What is the name of the yellow Muppet?


What is the name of the dog in the Muppet's?

Rowlf the Dog .

What is the name of the janitor in the Muppet show?


What is the Muppet drummer's name?

The Muppet drummer's name is Animal. He is usually out of control, breaking things and taking things way too literally. However, in some more recent Muppet movies he has, at least at times, had more impulse control than normal.

What was the name of the newest muppet film?

The Muppets (2011)

What is the frog's name in the muppet show?

Kermit the Frog.

What is the drummers name who plays in the muppet show?
