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Q: What is the name of the outer side of the foot?
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What is a deviation of the tip of the great toe toward the outer or lateral side of the foot?

Movement of the tip of the big toe toward the outer side of the foot would be considered abduction of the big toe. Abduction is moving a body part away from the midline in the coronal plane.

What is a deviation of the tip of the great toe toward the outer or lateral side of the foot called?

Movement of the tip of the big toe toward the outer side of the foot would be considered abduction of the big toe. Abduction is moving a body part away from the midline in the coronal plane.

Where is fuel pump relay for 2002 ford explorer located?

It is found on the passenger side foot well on the outer wall.

What is the name of the segment that connects the center of a regular polygon to an outer edge?

It is an apothem line that connects the center of a polygon to the center of an outer side.

Where is the lateral cuneiform?

The lateral cuneiform bone is located in the middle of the three cuneiform bones in the foot, towards the outer side of the foot. It articulates with the third metatarsal bone and plays a role in supporting the arch of the foot and providing stability during walking and running.

What side is the fragile side of your foot?

Right side of right foot

A foot that allows the needle to sew from side to side is a?

A foot that allows the needle to sew from side to side is a zigzag foot. The foot has an open middle so that the needle can move freely from side to side.

Can you get a ganglion cyst on the top of the foot?

Yes. My father had a golfball sized ganglion cyst on the top/outer side of his foot. It was eventually removed with surgery. The cyst itself was not painful, nor did it limit his movements in any way.

Where is the fuse on a 1999 Saturn for the cigarette lighter?

Under the hood on the drivers side, there is a fuse box. And there should be one inside the cab iether on the right or left outer side of the dash, or on the right (passengers) side console by outside of left foot...

The heel of the foot is on what side of the body?

The heel of the foot is on the DORSAL side of the body.

Why the inner side of the outer wall and outer side of the inner wall of thermos flask is silvered?

I Don't know :p

What is the difference between a square foot and a llinear square foot?

Shape. A square foot is any area of 144 squinches. A linear square foot, should such a name exist, would probably be a square 12 inches to the side.