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Brumotactillophobia is the fear of food touching other food. And you are not alone, I have a severe case of Brumotactillophobia, If my food touches I literately feel panicked and nauseous. It used to be so bad that if anything on my plate touched I would throw everything away. Through many years of mental preparation and different strategies I have been able to get to a point where if one food touches another I can just cut off the parts that touched and continue on eating the rest of the meal.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

There does not appear to be a scientific term to specifically describe a fear of food mixing or mixing food. Perhaps the fear stems from the loud noise a mixer or blender makes while operating, or a fear of injury from operating the machine.

Ligyrophobia is the fear of loud noises.

Traumatophobia is the fear of injury.

If your fear begins to negatively affect the quality of your life, or your happiness, then please consult a doctor to help you to address your fear.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

"Achiesanphobia" is the correct terminology for this fear

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Michelle Horn

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βˆ™ 3y ago
I have a similar fear- it's a fear of touching food waste, like dirty dishwater. If I even pick up like a cooked onion from the floor I have to wash my hands quickly before I can think of anything else. What is this called, I wonder?

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The fear of eating food prepared by others is Sitophobia or Sitiophobia as it is commonly called.

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Q: What do you call the fear of food touching your hands?
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What do you call the fear of touching food?

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What is Brumotactillophobia?

fear of food touching.

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Physical contamination can be prevented by not touching the food with dirty hands and to use clean hands and utensils while touching the food

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You wash your hands before you eat and handle food don't you? You should wash your hands before and after you touch any living creature

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Is there a phobia for people not liking food touching on their plate?

No, a phobia would be an exaggerated fear of someone touching food on your plate, it would probably be met with a reaction that would include sweaty palms, raised heart beat, dizzyness and hyperventilation, also it would most likely include an irrational fear for your life as if it is in danger because of the contamination of your food, etc.

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touching your hair or face, cough or sneezing without washing your hands, cross-contamination, and handling chemicals.