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Q: What is the name of the song with a guy being painted to a wall?
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What year did the Sistine Chapel start to be painted and finish being painted?

The ceiling 1508-1512. The altar wall 1534-1541.

What is mural painted on?

A mural is painted on a wall.

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The song was named after a friend of Kurt's spray painted "Kurt smells like teen spirit" on his wall. Many of his songs started out with a different name, but either just before recording, or during recording sessions, he changed his mind about song names or titles.

What is the name of the first song off The Pink Floyd Wall?

In The Flesh

Use these sentences using a complex sentence we cleaned the carpet we painted the wall we were exhausted?

After cleaning the carpet and painting the wall, we were exhausted.

What is the title and band name of Chris Jericho's entrance song for WWE?

Break Down the Wall/Break the wall/Break Now the Wall

What do you call the picture painted on the wall?

A mural

What do you call a picture painted in the wall?


What is a work of art painted on a wall?

A "Fresco."

What is Mural painting?

A mural is painted on a wall.

When was Wall to Wall - song - created?

Wall to Wall - song - was created on 2007-05-21.