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The Globe Theatre was built in 1599 but it was not built by "Shakespeare and his men". It was built by a man called Peter Street who was hired by a group led by Richard and Cuthbert Burbage. Shakespeare had money in it, but was not a main player in any way.l

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13y ago

The Globe Theatre was built in 1599 but Shakespeare did not build it. He was one of a number of shareholders and a very minor shareholder at that. The actual construction was done by a carpenter called Peter Street under the direction of Richard and Cuthbert Burbage, who between them owned half of the Theatre.

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11y ago

The Globe Theater was built in 1599. It was not in any sense of the word built for William Shakespeare. No theatre was built for him at any time. The theatre was built for the company The Lord Chamberlain's Men to act in. The leader of the company was Richard Burbage, who happened also to be the guy in charge of building the Globe Theatre.

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13y ago

The Globe Theatre was built in 1599 but Shakespeare did not build it. He contributed some money, but his friends the Burbage brothers contributed half. And the actual work was done by a professional builder who the Burbages hired.

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You are probably thinking of the Globe Theatre which was designed and built by a builder called Peter Street and chiefly financed by Richard and Cuthbert Burbage, the lead actor and business manager of the Lord Chamberlain's Men, the playing company to which Shakespeare belonged. Shakespeare was one of about four minor shareholders who contributed money towards building this theatre, but it is grossly inaccurate to describe him as having a leading role in its construction.

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Shakespeare helped found the Lord Chamberlain's Men in 1594 and co-owned the Globe Playhouse, constructed in 1599 or 1600.

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Shakespeare's "The Globe" was built in 1599

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Q: What is the name of the theater that Shakespeare and his company built?
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What is the name of the theatre built for Shakespeare and Company?

The Globe Theater (in London) was Shakespeare's venue.

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It's a Theatre someone has decided to name after Shakespeare. The most famous of these, although neither is strictly speaking called "the Shakespeare Theatre", are Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, built in 1995 in Southwark, London, and the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, originally built in 1932 and substantially renovated since, in Stratford.

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Chicago Shakespeare Theater is the name of the performing company which was founded in 1986, not the building they perform in. They spent twelve years performing at the Ruth Page Theater, and in 1999 moved to new accommodations at Navy Pier in Chicago. Their current facility houses two performing spaces. The primary one is called the Courtyard Theatre, and seats 510.

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They built The Globe in 1600, and took over Blackfriars as their indoor winter home in 1608.

What is the name of the theater William shakespeare invested in?

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The Globe Theatre