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Q: What is the name of the villen in Indiana Jones who falls off a cliff in a tank?
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Is amicalola falls destryctive or constrctive?

Constructive. It places down minerals on the cliff as it falls.

70's movie where a woman gets shot with an arrow and falls off a cliff?


How does Mona die in the show Pretty Little Liars?

She falls off of a cliff while fighting with Spencer.

A physical feature barrier between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?

The Niagara Escarpment, a long tall cliff that the Niagara falls goes over.

Who was the villainess Schneider in Indiana Jones and last Crusade?

Dr. Elsa Schneider was a historian who was secretly working for the Nazis to get the grail. She was helping Indiana's dad but uses him and later Indiana to get the research diary for the Nazis. Inside the grail temple, Elsa gives Donovan a fake grail on purpose to kill him off, which allows Indiana to get the true grail so he could heal his dad. But, Elsa lets greed control her and heads for the exit with the grail. Before Indy can stop her, her boot steps on a magic seal, creating an earthquake. Elsa falls to her death when she tries grasping the grail instead of giving Indy a free hand.

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When Indiana Jones falls into the well of souls what type of snake does he come face to face with?

a corbra

What does Indiana Jones look like?

Indiana Jones' hat is a take on fedora hats popular during the period of the films. Jones' fedora is a brown color, a bit more broader with a taller crown, but falls between a traditional fedora and an Australian outback hat.

Was Niagara Falls a cliff?

Niagara Falls --- IS --- a cliff.... that's what makes a waterfall. A waterfall is a place where water flows over the edge of a cliff.

Can you cliff jump at Victoria falls?

Yes you can cliff jump at Victoria Falls. One adventure operator who offers that is Shearwater Victoria Falls.

Where is ocean cliff on super-secret?

the ocean cliff is actually cavern falls

What happens when rocks fall down a cliff?

It falls and break

Is amicalola falls destryctive or constrctive?

Constructive. It places down minerals on the cliff as it falls.

What happens after an an erosion occurs?

The cliff falls down :(

What is it called when a large rock falls from a cliff?


When a rock suddenly falls of a cliff is it a slump or creep?


When a rock falls from a cliff potential energy changes into?

When a rock falls from a cliff, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as it gains speed and moves downward.

What is a watertfall?

It is a body of water that falls off of a steep cliff continuously.