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The planet "Mercury" is the first planet in our solar system. It is the closest to the sun. Usually Mercury is almost impossible to see because the Sun's glare blinds us to it. It is 57.9 Million Kilometers from the sun with a surface temp ranging between -180 to +430 Celsius. It takes 87.97 Days to orbit the sun and it has no moons.

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13y ago

Mercury and Mercury is also such a hot place that its burns through metal!
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

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Q: What is the nearest or closest planet to the sun?
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What planet is closest to the sun What planet is closest to the sun?

The furthers is Neptune. The nearest to the sun is Mercury.

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Mercury is the closest planet to our sun.

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Mercury (planet) is the nearest planet to the Sun.Planet Mercury is in orbit nearest the Sun.

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No. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. The moon is not a planet and is the closest object in space to Earth.

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Mercury is the nearest planet to our Sun.

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mercury is the closest planet to the sun

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The planet Mercury is closest to the sun, at about three-tenths Earth's distance at the nearest point in its orbit.

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Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. Mercury is the nearest.

What is the nearest planet to the sun in your solar sistem?

marcury is the closest planet to the sum

Which planet is trhe nearest to the sun and why?

The nearest planet is Mercury. As to the reason... Well, I guess some planet has to be the closest one.