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Q: What is the negative connotaion of smart?
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What is the negative connotation for wet?

A positive connotation for wet could be moist.

Is cheap a positive or negative connotaion?

Cheap usually has a little bit of negative connotation.

What is the definition of connotaion?

An idea or feeling that a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning :D

What are the examples of negative superlatives?

Danny is not as smart asPhillip.She is not as beautiful asher older sister.

Is the stereotype always show negative thoughts?

No, a stereotype can also be positive. For example, Asians are stereotyped to be really smart and great at math. Neither of those are negative.

Is smart a negative or positive or neutral connotation?

I was pretty sure it was positive. However, according to Edge 2020, it is negative.

Do you have to be smart for a guy to like you?

No but it is preferred. However, guys who really like you can overlook any negative qualities.

What are the negative effect using smart milk in sims 2?

i think you lose a skill point that's what i think :-\

What are the negative effects of the smartphone?

The negative effects of the smart phone are: a) It is so much money b) Sometimes (most of the time) you don't need everything that it is useful for c) They are so huge.

If If you have at most 30 games on your smart phone. Write an inequality that represents this situation?

Number of games on smart phone N <= 30 and N is not negative can also be written as: 0 ≤ N ≤ 30 where N is the number of games on a specific smart phone.

What is 5 minus negative 3?

The answer is 8. 5-(-3)(subtracting a negative is the same as 5+3(adding a positive).

What Difference between exception and assertion?

Exception means not included in general sense. Any subject an ve connotaion in general with few exeption. Assertion means asserting one's authority