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Wood ash (potash) is the main result of burning wood and potash can be used in the garden as a fertilizer. Also, if wood is slowly burnt (charred?) in a kiln, where oxygen is kept out, charcoal is produced.

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Q: What is the new substance form in burning of wood?
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Is neon a new substance that is produced by burning wood?

Neon is an element, classified as a noble gas, and it has nothing to do with burning wood. Neon does not burn, nor is it produced by burning.

Which action forms a different chemical substance?

Any chemical reaction produce a new substance.

Is wood turning into ash in a fire a physical change?

physical--no, it's chemical because a new substance is formed by burning logs/paper, and the new substance, ashes has a different chemical composition.

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Which of the following forms a new substance?

Which of the following forms a new substance melting freezing evaporating burning?

Burning chemically alters a substance, creating different / new substances as a result. Melting, freezing, and evaporating are all different phases of the same substance.

Does a physical property burn easy?

A physical property is something like color, size, and state. The substance still stays the same! A chemical property is a change in substance. Burning is a chemical property because if you burn a piece of wood, it is a new substance and you cant change it back to regular wood. It is usually very hard to change a chemical change BACK to its original substance. The answer to this is No

How does physical change differ from a chmical change?

A physical change alters the form of the substance but does not change it into anything new. An example of a physical change is the boiling, freezing, melting, condensation of water. The result changes still give you water. A chemical change must make a new substance with new properties. An example of a chemical change is the burning of wood. The new substances made during complete combustion are ash, carbon dioxide, and water.

Why burning of paper is a chemical change?

bcoz once paper is burned it cannot be turned back to its original form

How does burning become a chemical change?

Burning is a chemical change as when we burn anything eg paper a new substance is formed known as ashes. Therefore when a new substance forms it is known as chemical change. By Annika Khullar

When a chemical change is in place does no new substance form?

No, a new substance is normally formed

Can freezing form a new substance?

No, freezing is a change in STATE of a substance (from liquid to solid), the solid is NOT a new substance.

What do you mean by combustion of a hydrocarbon?

Burning. Some substance, usually called the fuel, combines with oxygen, or some substance that causes oxidation, and releases heat energy as the substances are changed into some new substance(s).