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selecting the specific purpose of what you are saying

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The next step after choosing your topic is to define your purpose for the speech. Determine what you want to achieve with your speech - whether it's to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire your audience. This will guide your content and organization as you move forward with preparing your speech.

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Q: What is the next step in speech preparation after choosing your topic?
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What is the next step after determining the purpose of your speech?

The next step after determining the purpose of your speech is to identify your target audience and tailor your message to meet their needs and expectations. This involves understanding their background, knowledge level, and interests to effectively engage them during your speech.

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It depends what the speech is on. You could say thank you for listening or have a nice day. or if you were doing a speech on a specific topic like recycling you could say "next time you have a plastic bottle take an extra minute to but it in a recycling bin"

After you have determined he purpose of your speech the next step is to?

develop an outline that organizes your main points and supporting details. This will help you structure your speech and ensure that your key messages are effectively communicated to your audience.

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There are many good topics for a motivational speech. You can do something like should women be allowed to play co-ed football? Pick a side, and motivate people to do what you want with quotes and short stories. --- In addition to the suggestion given above, I thought I would offer a more broad answer to your question: What is a good topic? First, the topic should be relevant and of interest to you. Having a personal connection to your speech topic will give you more passion and more insight which will come through when you speak. Next, the topic must be relevant and of interest to your audience. Put these two together and you'll be on your way to selecting your topic.

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Transitions are used in a speech to help maintain the flow of the presentation and guide the audience from one point to the next. They signal a shift in topic or introduce a new idea, making it easier for listeners to follow along and understand the structure of the speech. Transitions also help to create a more coherent and organized presentation.

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To start a Chinese composition, you can begin by selecting a topic or prompt that interests you. Next, create an outline to help organize your thoughts and structure your writing. Start with an engaging introduction that introduces your topic and thesis statement.

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First you need to have an introduction that makes a great first impression but it has to be short and precise. Next you would say what you want to say about the topic and then throw some examples in. After that do your conclusion that includes your opinion and the solution you would offer.

Why removing RNA from DNA preparation?

When making DNA preparation why do you need RNA? :P Ya it is done because it may interfere with your next experiments.

What is the format of speech writing?

First you need to have an introduction that makes a great first impression but it has to be short and precise. Next you would say what you want to say about the topic and then throw some examples in. After that do your conclusion that includes your opinion and the solution you would offer.