

What is the noun for rate?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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10y ago

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The word rate is both a noun (rate, rates) and a verb (rate, rates, rating, rated).

The rate that we got from the first company is better than this rate. (noun)
How do you rate the food at that new restaurant? (verb)

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Is rate a noun?

The word rate is both a noun and a verb (rate, rates, rating, rated). Example uses: Noun: The rate that we got from the first company is better than this rate. Verb: How do you rate the food at that new restaurant?

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The word rate can be a noun and a verb. The noun form (e.g.) is a a wage. The verb form means to assign a particular rank.

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The word 'rated' is not a noun.The word 'rated' is the past participle of the verb to rate. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The word rate is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'rate' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a measure, quantity, or frequency; a fixed price paid or charged for something; a word for a thing.

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No, "faster" is not a noun. It is a comparative adjective used to compare the speed or rate of two things.

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A rate is either a noun that is a measurement or quantity. Traditionally it is something that is measure against a contrary quantity for example; the rate of graduates would be the quantity of non-grads verses the quantity of grads.

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