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The noun form for the verb 'to embarrass' is the gerund, embarrassing, and embarrassment.

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Lexie Hoppe

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Q: What is the noun form for embarrassment?
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What is the noun form of embarrassed?


Is embarrassment an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'embarrassment' is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.The noun 'embarrassment' is can be used in a concrete context; for example: That house is an embarrassment to the neighborhood.

What is the noun of embarassing?

The word embarrassing is the present participle of the verb 'to embarrass'. The present participle is also a gerund (verbal noun) and an adjective. The noun form for the verb embarrass is embarrassment.

What is the abstract noun for embarrass?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to embarrass are embarrassment and the gerund, embarrassing.

What is the abstract noun of embarrassed?

The answer is embarrassment

What is the verb of embarrassment?

The verb form of embarrassment is embarrass.

Is Embarrass a noun?

Yes, the word 'embarrassment' is a noun, a word for an emotion.

What is the collective noun for ministers?

An ordination of ministers

Is embarrassment a proper noun?

No, the noun 'embarrassment' is a common noun, a general word for an emotion; a word for the embarrassment of anyone at any time.A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, Embarrass Township in Saint Louis County, MN (pop. 607) or Embarrass, WI (pop. 404).

Is there such abstract noun as awkwardness?

Yes, the noun 'awkwardness' is the abstract noun form of the adjective 'awkward'.The noun 'awkwardness' is a word for a quality of lacking skill and flexibility, causing embarrassment, or difficult to use or handle.Example: His awkwardness kept him off the basketball court but he made the swim team.

How do you spell embarrassament?

EMBARRASSMENT (The noun formation of "to embarrass" - to cause mental or emotional discomfort)

What is the collective noun for knickers?

There is no specific collective noun for knickers (or for underwear), in which case a suitable general collective noun is used. Some examples are a display of knickers, a package of knickers, a drawer of knickers, etc. I've seen the term 'an embarrassment of underwear', so 'an embarrassment of knickers' will also work.