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Q: What is the number of valance electrons in xenon?
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How many valance electrons are in Xenon?


How many valence electrons of an atom does xenon have?


How can the number of valence electrons be determined from the periodic table?

By looking at the group number you can tell how many valance electrons there are ex: Group 1= 1 valance electrons Group 2-12= 2 valance electrons Group 13= 3 valance electrons Group 14= 4 valance electrons Group 15= 5 valance electrons Group 16= 6 valance electrons Group 17= 7 valance electrons Group 18= 8 valance electrons

How many electrons are in the element of xenon?

An atom of xenon contains 54 electrons, the atomic number of xenon.

How is the reactivity of elements related to valence electrons in atoms?

Valance electrons means that the element has not reached the octet configuration and is therefore reactive the reactivity depends on the no. of valance electrons the more valance electrons the more unstable the atom is and the more reactive it is.The gasses like helium neon xenon are all inert which means they have an octet configuration and have no delocalised or valance electrons.

What is the number of valance electrons in oxygen?

six valence electrons

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What is the number of valance electrons in a germanium atom?

4 valence electrons

How can the number of core electrons be detemined from the periodic table?

Take carbon as an example.Carbon, indicated by it's atomic number, has 6 electrons. The number at the top of carbon's group is the number of valance electrons. Carbon has 4 valance elections.6 total electrons - 4 valance electrons= 2 core electrons in carbon=====================(try another element yourself to see this process )

What is the valance number for fluorine?

7 valence electrons