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The object will be a plural noun, or a collective noun (e.g. among friends, among the crowd, among his peers).

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Q: What is the object of the preposition among?
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She searched among the stacks and on the shelves what is the object of the preposition among?

The object of the preposition "among" is "the stacks and on the shelves." The preposition "among" shows the relationship between the subject "she" and the location where she searched, which includes both the stacks and the shelves.

What is the object of the preposition of among?

The object will be a plural noun, or a collective noun (e.g. among friends, among the crowd, among his peers).

What noun can form a sentence with among or using the word among?

A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.The word 'among' is a preposition, a word that connects a noun or a pronoun to another word in a sentence.Example: There was one rose among the thorns. (the preposition 'among' connects the noun 'rose' to the object of the preposition 'thorns', a noun)

What is preposition phrases and object of the preposition?

itr means when you have the object of the preposition

Is 'you' an object of a preposition?

It certainly can be. It depends on the sentence.Examples:I gave it to you. ["to" is a preposition; "you" is its object]After you. "After" = preposition; "you" = its object]

What is the object of the preposition in the sentence Where are we going for lunch?

The object of the preposition 'for' is lunch.

What is the object of a preposition?

The object of a preposition is the noun or pronoun that follows a preposition in a sentence and gives context to the relationship between the preposition and the rest of the sentence. It helps to connect the preposition to the rest of the sentence and clarify its meaning.

What is the use of the pronoun us in the sentence There were 15 people who knew CPR among us?

The pronoun 'us' is functioning as the object of the preposition 'among'.

What is an object of a preposition?

The 'object' of a preposition, like the 'object' of a verb, is the word upon which the meaning of the preposition or verb is acted. For example, in the prepositional phrase " to the house," the house is the object of the preposition to.

Where should the object of a preposition be placed?

After the preposition. The object of the preposition is a noun or a pronoun. For the fever and headache she took two aspirin. In this sentence the preposition is for the object of the preposition is 'fever and headache'

What is object of the preposition?

The object of the preposition is the noun that follows the preposition, the word that the preposition relates to another word in the sentence. It can also be a pronoun, gerund, infinitive, or noun phrase. Examples: The car is in the garage. (in is the preposition, and garage is the object of the preposition.) We went to the grocery store for milk. (the grocery store is the first object of a preposition; milk is the second object of a preposition.)

Is the word among a preposition?

Yes, the word among is a preposition.