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Q: What is the occult in Juliet and Caesar?
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Was Romeo and Juliet written before or after Julius Caesar?

Romeo and Juliet was written about five years before Julius Caesar.

What is the setting in Juliet Cesar?

Are you sure you are not thinking of Romeo and Julius? Just a joke. Julius Caesar is set in ancient Rome and Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona.

Use occult in a sentence?

He dabbled in the occult. she had an occult tumor.

Who is William shakespearemost famous for?

He is famous for his plays (romeo&juliet and Julius Caesar) He has many others that are famous as well

What are the names of all the play he wrote?

romeo and juliet ,julius caesar , hamlet, othello, king lear, macbeth

What is sentence using the word occult?

The murderer was an occult worshipper.Horoscopes are entertainment, not occult study.

What does occult mean?

Occult means "things that are hidden." (My socks are often hidden.....very occult)

Can you name 6 plays that shakespeare note?

Hamlet The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Macbeth The Tempest King Lear Romeo and Juliet

From what Shakespearean play is the quote To err is human to forgive is divine from?

Julius Caesar

What is Difference between occult and horror fiction?

Horror fiction scares you... Occult fiction involves the paranormal or satanism. Horror might involve occult subjects, and Occult might scare you... so there is a lot of crossover. But that is the difference. There are Horror books that are definitely not occult and Occult books that are not horror. To read more about Occult and see more of the difference, please see the wikipedia page:

When was Occult Medicine created?

Occult Medicine was created in 2004.

When did The Occult Review end?

The Occult Review ended in 1951.