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Q: What is the old English word for brick-maker?
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How old do you have to be a brickmaker?

There is no minimum age to be a brickmaker, though in the US, the pursuit of a career typically starts around age 18. There are no colleges for brickmaking. Instead, students learn from others in the field through apprenticeships.

What is a old English word that means no?

The Old English word for "no" is "nān."

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The African Luhya word for the English word 'old' is Eshikoofu".

Lent is an Old English word for?

The English word "Lent" come from the Middle English word lenten and the Old English word lencten meaning the season of spring.

What does kyle mean in old English?

In Old English they did not use the letter k but the word "cyle" is the Old English word for "cold".

Is it true the word thus is an old English word?

Yes, the word 'thus' has Old English origins.

What is a old English word that means yes?

the old English word for yes is yea

What is the definition for the old English word solicious?

The Old English word "solicious" means anxious or troubled.

Where does the word year come from?

The word year is of Old English origin. It derived from the Dutch word, jaar and from the Old English word gear.

What language does the word wall come from?

The word "wall" comes from the Old English word "weall."

What is the origin of roof?

The word "roof" comes from the Old English word "hrof," which is related to the Old Norse word "hróf." Both words refer to the top covering of a building.

What is a typical day of work for a brickmaker?
