

What is the only NFL team to go to eight Super Bowls?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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The Dallas Cowboys have gone to eight Super Bowls:


So have the Pittsburgh Steelers:


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Q: What is the only NFL team to go to eight Super Bowls?
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Who is the only team to win 10 Super Bowls?

No NFL team has played in 10 Super Bowls. The Dallas Cowboys hold the record for appearances with eight, and the Pittsburgh Steelers have appeared in seven.

What NFL team has been in more Super Bowls?

Dallas Cowboys - eight appearances

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Yes ... not only are the Bills the only team to lose four consecutive Super Bowls they are the only team to ever play in four consecutive Super Bowls.

Which is the only team to have appeared in 4 consescutive Super Bowls?

Buffalo Bills in Super Bowls XXV, XXVI, XXVII, and XXVIII.

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Who won more Super Bowls than the Pittsburgh Steelers?

No other National Football League team has won more Super Bowls than the Pittsburgh Steelers. They have won six times in eight appearances.

Who has won more super bowls the visiting team or home team?

There is no home and away teams in the super Bowl, only home and away uniforms.

Did the Dallas Cowboys win 6 Super Bowls in a row?

No. The only Super Bowl teams to appear in three or more consecutive Super Bowls were the Miami Dolphins (Super Bowls VI, VII and VIII) and the Buffalo Bills (Super Bowls XXV, XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII).

Who won 3 Super Bowls in a row?

Not one team has one three super bowls in a row

Who was the first team to lose 3 Super Bowls?

The Minnesota VikingsThe Vikes lost Super Bowls IV, VIII, and IX. They also lost Super Bowl XI to become the first team to lose 4 Super Bowls.

What record did the Pittsburgh Steelers break in Super Bowl XLIII?

The Steelers became the only team to win 6 Super Bowls.