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Iron... Iron has the lowest massper nuclear particle of all nuclei (elements) and can therefore not release any energy via either fusion or fission. ...

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3w ago

The only element that can theoretically release energy without undergoing fusion or fission is iron. This phenomenon occurs due to the binding energy per nucleon being at its maximum for iron, meaning that both fusion and fission processes would require energy input rather than releasing energy.

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Q: What is the only element that can theoretically release energy in neither fusion nor fission?
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What would happen if you cut an element into smaller and smaller pieces?

Elements = atoms If you "cut" an element into pieces, essentially split the atom, you release its energy. This is called fission, nuclear fission to be precise, and leads to a nuclear detonation. Depending on the atom you split, there will be a release of energy and radiation.

During fission a small amount of mass is changed to what?

During fission, a small amount of mass is changed into energy according to Einstein's equation E=mc^2. This means that a small portion of the mass of the fissionable material is converted into a significant amount of energy.

What are fission fragments?

When an atomic nucleus fissions, it splits into smaller atomic nuclei. These smaller atomic nuclei are referred to as "fission fragments." The unstable nucleus of a radioactive element can fission (split) into smaller nuclei, i.e. those of lighter elements. This can also release other atomic particles, as well as energy. In nuclear power and atomic weapons, the fission process is initiated to release the nuclear energy. Natural fission is a much rarer occurrence than radioactive decay.

How does fission produce?

Nuclear fission is nuclear reaction in which nucleus of an atom , usually a heavy element, splits into smaller parts i.e. lighter nuclei . Free neutrons and photons are produced along with release of large amount of energy.

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How are fission and fission similar?

Fusion and fission are similar in that they both reduce mass and thereby release binding energy.

What element are created from splitting the icotope urinium235?

When uranium-235 undergoes nuclear fission, it splits into two or more lighter elements such as xenon, strontium, and barium. These elements are called fission fragments and release a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation.

What element was being used in Chernobyl?

The Chernobyl disaster involved the release of radioactive materials, specifically radioactive isotopes of iodine, cesium, and strontium, which are byproducts of nuclear fission reactions.

Fission and fusion are examples of what?

Fission and fusion are examples of nuclear reactions involving the splitting (fission) or combining (fusion) of atomic nuclei to release energy.

What occurs in Fission?

In nuclear fission, the reactant atoms are split into resultant atoms, and a release of energy.

What is used in an atomic bomb?

An atomic bomb uses nuclear fission or fusion to release a massive amount of energy. This is achieved by either splitting (fission) or combining (fusion) atomic nuclei, resulting in a powerful explosion.

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