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The experimental group

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Q: What is the opposite of control group?
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Related questions

What is the experimertal group in an experimet?

It is the group you are test in an experiment that may have a variable. It is the opposite of the control group. The point of having these 2 groups is to prove that a change occurred.

What is the opposite of personal control?

ChaosThe opposite of control as a verb (e.g. - I will control you):Relate to. (e.g. - I will relate to you)

What is the opposite of group?

The experimental group

What is a experimental group?

An experimental group is the group in an experiment that receives the treatment or intervention being tested. This group is compared to a control group to assess the effects of the treatment. The experimental group helps researchers determine if the treatment has an impact on the outcome being studied.

What is the opposite alone?

The opposite is together, in a group, or en masse.

What is Opposite of alone?

The opposite is together, in a group, or en masse.

Why should expieriments have a control group?

The control group in an experiment is the group that nothing is done to. The reason why there is a control group in experiments is to compare it with the group that has been tested.

Why do you use a control group?

You use a control group to compare the results of the experimental group to. The control group has the "normal" results. After the experiment, you can tell if and what has changed from the control groups results

What is a control or control group?

the group that does not change in the experiment VIVI :)

Why do you need a a control group?

You need a control group to compare your experimental group to something.

What is a control group in a science experiment?

A control group is the unaffected group in a science experiment.

The group that does not receive the experimental treatment in an experiment is the?

control group