

What is the opposite of course?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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it is path

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Q: What is the opposite of course?
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the same of course!

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The opposite of an Alpha is an Omega. The counterpart to an Alpha male would of course be an Alpha Female.

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Both have magnitudes of A, so they are equal distances and, by the definition of additive inverses, A + (-A) = 0 and that means that they are opposite. Of course, they need not be opposite distances: they could be opposite times, or opposite amounts of money.

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of course not.They are opposite.

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A Domestic Garden flower of course

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focus "take the direct course" "keep to the point"

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In the opposite direction to the course of acceleration.

What is the opposite of changing direction?

The opposite of changing directions would be maintaining a course, or continuing in the same direction.

To move or turn in the opposite direction?

To move or turn in the opposite direction means to go the opposite way from where you were headed or facing. It entails shifting course to face the opposite way or reversing the direction of movement.

What the opposites of put?

The opposite of "put", or to "put away", would be to "take out". The opposite of "put on", would then of course be to "take off". Usually the opposite revolves around taking something away.