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Ingested food is diffused mainly in the small and large intestine. The small intestine is the big player which has fields of finger-like projections called villi which are composed of cells and on each of those cells they have microvilli which are protrusions of cell membrane. This increases the surface area tremendously to increase the amount of nutrients diffused.

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Q: What is the organ where diffusion of digested nutrients occurs?
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What is the organ where diffusion of water occurs?

The kidney

Organ were digested food is absorbed?

Food is broken down or digested in the stomach but the nutrients are not absorbed in the stomach. Nutrients from digested food are primarily absorbed in the small intestine.

In what organ are the villa located and what do they do?

Villi are located in the small intestine and they absorb nutrients (from digested food) into the bloodstream.

What organ reabsorbs digested food?

The small intestine absorbs nutrients and the large intestine absorbs water and left over nutrients.

What organ does the absorption of food take place?

The oragan in which the most absorbtion of nutrients occurs is the small intestine.

How does osmosis and diffusion help organ transplants?

Organs to be transplanted lack oxygen, nutrients and other essential materials, since they have been idle for a long time.Osmosis and diffusion help these organs filled with these essential materials, such as water, nutrients and materials, as if they were attached in the human body.BTW, osmosis is the flow of water from less concentration of solutes to high. Diffusion is the scattering of particles from higher cont to lower.

What is the organ where nutrients is absorbed?

The organ where nutrients are absorbed is Small intestine

What organ absorbs the digested food into the blood?

The small intestine absorbs digested food into the blood.

Which organ help the digested food get by the blood?


What organ absorbs digested food?

The small intestines.

In what organ are lipids first digested?

Lipids, or fats, are digested in the duodenum, the first section of the small intestine.

What nutrients need to be digested before absorbed?

If this is for a Basic Nutrition chapter assignment, the choices are as follows: a. vitamins b. minerals c. water d. carbohydrates The answer that you are looking for is carbohydrates. Proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates must be digested before they are absorbed.