

What is the origin name for polonium?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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The name of the chemical element is derived from Polonia.

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Q: What is the origin name for polonium?
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What gave polonium its name?

The name of polonium is derived from the name of Poland in Latin language - Polonia; polonium was discovered in 1898 by Marie Curie (of Polish origin) and Pierre Curie.

What is plutonium named after?

The element polonium was named for the country Poland.

What is the main source in the universe for the origin of the polonium?

Polonium isotopes are decay products of thorium or uranium.

Where did polonium get its name from?

Polonium is a name derived from Polonia.

Why was polonium given its name?

The name polonium is derived from Polonia.

What is the chemical name for polonium?

The chemical name is in the English language polonium.

Is polonium in your bodies?

Yes, we have (without exception) polonium (of natural origin) in the body but only in ultra-traces; smokers are more affected.

Is polonium found in your body?

Yes, we have (without exception) polonium (of natural origin) in the body but only in ultra-traces; smokers are more affected.

What is another word for polonium?

Today polonium is the official name in the English language.

Does polonium have any other names?

Today polonium is the official name in the English language.

What language did the word 'polonium' come from?

Polonium comes from the Latin name of Poland, Polonia.

How did polonium get its name?

Marie Curie discovered polonium and named it after Poland, the country of her birth, to publicise the fact that Poland was not free at that time, but part of the Russian Empire.