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how dare you. you are out of line.

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Q: What is the origin of the phrase you have a lot of nerve?
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What does It Mean To Have A Lot Of Nerve?

The phrase 'a lot of nerve' refers to having a lack of regard for social protocol preventing certain actions.

What is the origin of the phrase nerve-racking?

The phrase became popular at the beginning of the 1800's meaning very distressing or exhausting. There does not seem to be an explanation, so origin not known. As a guess, as England was at war with France from 1799 to 1815 it may be connected to the stress of the conflict.

What is the cranial nerve with the dual origin?

The accessory nerve .

What is the origin of the phrase eat you?

There is no such phrase as "eat you".

What is the origin of the phrase 'in your face'?

The phrase 'in your face' is a slang term which originates from 1970's America. A lot of the earliest references come from various sports such as boxing and basketball used as a contemptuous phrase used to intimidate the opposition.

What is the origin of the phrase ram page?

There is no such phrase. There is a word rampage. It is of Scottish origin, perhaps from RAMP, to rear up.

What phrase of a Greek origin means the common people?

The phrase of Greek origin referring to the common people is "hoi polloi."

What is the origin of the phrase on the rocks?

"on the rocks"

What is the origin of the phrase 'tea jenny'?

According to the Scots language dictionary 'jenny' can be sued to describe 'a lot of'. So a tea jenny is someone who drinks a lot of tea. I was called this as a small child.

What did the word neurology origin from?

Neuro: Nerve, Ology: The study of.

What is the origin of the phrase hey presto?

The Spanish for "I have put" is he puesto, could this be the origin?

What does Myogenic Mean?

The word myogenic means that the origin is in the muscles. This is in order to differentiate between nerve and muscle origin.