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Q: What is the origin of the word boutique?
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Related questions

How do you abbreviate the word 'boutique'?

Btq would be the abbreviation for boutique.

Can you give me a sentence using the word boutique?

I bought my shirt at a boutique.

What does boutique refer to?

The term "boutique" refers to the French word for "shop" or "store".

What is 'boutique' when translated from English to Italian?

I think the french word "Boutique" in English "a small store", example:

How do you say beautiful boutique in french?

Boutique is actually a word that English borrowed from French! So you just have to translate "beautiful."Beautiful boutique = la belle boutique

What part of speech is this boutique?

The word boutique is a singular noun. The plural term is boutiques.

What rhymes with bow boutique?

nothing there is nothing that rhymes with that

Where does the word boutique come from?


What is 'boutique' when translated from English to Latin?

The word boutique is said the same in Latin as it is in English. This word is also said the same in Spanish, Italian, and French.

What word defines a french clothes shop?

boutique, magasin de v

What is a word which means 'boutique'?

A 'bodega' or small store

What hotels in Siem Reap have pools?

Most hotels that have the word "boutique" in their names in Siem Reap in Cambodia have pools. Here are a list of some of these hotels: Bunwin Boutique Hotel, Sojourn Boutique Hotel, Les Bambou Boutique Hotel and Golden Banana Boutique Hotel & Resort.