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Q: What is the outside energy source producers use to produce energy rich molecules?
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How do producers produce energy?

Producers are plants. They produce energy through the amazing process of photosynthesis.

The cell is dependent on outside sources of organic molecules that can be used to produce energy because?

Because cells are not capable of producing their own energy molecules.

Process by which producers and consumers release stored energy from food molecules?

The process by which producers and consumers release stored energy from food molecules is respiration.

What do producers producer?

Producers produce energy, to put it simply. Food chains and webs are all about the flow of energy and who's getting energy from where. Since producers are at the bottom of food pyramids, they essentially produce energy.

What do produces produce?

Producers produce energy, to put it simply. Food chains and webs are all about the flow of energy and who's getting energy from where. Since producers are at the bottom of food pyramids, they essentially produce energy.

Primary producers use what from the sun to produce energy?

Primary producers use the light and energy from the sun to produce energy. The primary producers sit on top of the trophic level and are mainly plants and algae.

What consists of green plants and other use an outside energy source to make energy-rich compounds?

i think that the organism that uses an outside energy source to make energy-rich molecules is a producer.

Where did the producers originally get their energy from?

producers originally got their energy from the sun since they perform photosynthesis and they produce sugars

What do producers produce?

The role of producers in a ecosystem is to convert energy from the sun into energy that consumer, like us humans, can use.Without producers there would be no consumer,and for the most part no life.

How do decomposers difffer from producers?

Producers produce food using energy, and decomposers eat the remains of dead animals to get energy.

Do producers use the sun to make energy-rich molecules?


Why does respiration take place in producers and consumers?

Cellular respiration is the process by which producers and consumers get energy from food and convert that energy into molecules of ATP, the energy molecule of the cell.