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the answer is..... well figure it out yourself you dumb as*

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Q: What is the oxidation number of group 13 elements?
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Which group of elements is analogous to the lanthanides?

Lanthanide chemistry is dominated by the +3 oxidation state and as such they bear a superfical resemblance to group 13. Lanthanide 3+ ions are larger than those of group 13. Group 13 elemnents Ga, In, Tl also form compounds wher the metal oxidation number is +1. Lanthanides on the other hand can form compunds with formal oxidation number of +2, (in particular Eu) , and +4 (in particular Ce).

In which group do the elements ussually orm oxides which have the general formula M2O3?

13.atoms with Oxidation state of -3 fall in group 13 . Cha cha!

Why do group 13 elements have different properties than group 12 elements?

theres a difference in the number of valence electrons

What elements have oxidation number 3?

There many with +3 oxidation.Some are Al, Fe, Bi.

Why do Group 12 elements have different properties than Group 13?

theres a difference in the number of valence electrons

Consider the group 1A element sodium (atomic number 11) the group 3A element aluminum (atomic number 13) and the group 7A element chlorine (atomic number 17). These elements are in period 3. How are?

This is a consequence of the law of periodicity of chemical elements.

What is the oxidation state of group 13?

Group 16 on the periodic table has elements that form a -2 charge when they bond ionically with metals. This group contains the very common elements oxygen and sulfur. They are usually referred to simply as group 16, group 6A, the "oxygen group," or by their old-fashioned name, the chalcogens.

How is boron different from other elements in group 13?

because boron is the first and main element in that group.

What are the valence electron of an atom?

The valence electrons are found on the valence shell, the outermost shell of an atom. By using the periodic table and the group numbers, one can find the number of valence electrons for elements in groups (vertical columns) 1-2 and 13-18. For the 1st 2 groups (1 and 2), the group number tells the number of valence electrons for elements which belong in that group Elements in the 1st group have 1 valence electron and elements in the 2nd group have 2 valence electrons. For groups 13-18, refer to the tens' value (the teen value that is not the "1" in these cases). Elements in group 13 have 3 valence electrons, elements in group 14 have 4 and so on to the the final group, 18, where electrons have a full octet of valence electrons.

What can you use to ditermine the number of valence electrons of an element in the s block and p block?

For the group 1 and 2 elements, the group number is the number of valence electrons. For groups 13 - 18, subtract 10 from the group number to get the number of valence electrons.

What are in the main group of elements?

Groups 1, 2, and 13 - 18 are the main group elements, also called the representative elements.