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-2 for Oxygen

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What is the oxidation number for Cr in MgCrO4?

The answer is +6

What is oxidation number oxygen?

The oxidation number of oxygen is -2 in most of its compounds

What is the oxidation number of oxygen?

the answer is -2.Related Information:The oxidation number of oxygen when it appears as an element is 0. The oxidation number in all compounds but peroxides is -2. The oxidation number of oxygen in peroxides is -1.

In the compound Co2O3 cobalt has an oxidation number of while oxygen's oxidation number is -2.?

In the compound Co2O3 cobalt has an oxidation number of 3 while oxygen has an oxidation number is -2.

What is the oxidation number for 5O2?

Atomic oxygen has oxidation number 0. Molecular oxygen also has 0 as oxidation number. It would be the same for five oxygen molecules as well.

What is the Oxidation number of sand?

Silicon's oxidation number is +4.Oxygen's oxidation number is -2

What is the oxidation number of HClO?

Hydrogen's oxidation number is +1.Chlorin's oxidation number is +1.Oxygen's oxidation number is -2.

Most common oxidation number of combined oxygen?

the most common oxidation number for oxygen is -2.

What is the oxidation number of oxygen when combined with fluorine?

It is a neutral oxide. Oxygen shows -2 oxidation number.

What is the oxidation number of lithium metal?

Oxidation number of Li is +1. Oxidation number of oxygen is -2.

What is the oxidation number of FeO?

In FeO the oxidation number of iron is 2+ and the oxidation number of oxygen is 2-.

What is the oxidation number of NiO2?

in NiO2 the oxidation number for Ni is 4+ and the oxidation number for oxygen is 2-.