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Q: What is the pH relationship of vinegar to ammonia?
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What is vinegar and ammonia on a pH scale?

VInegar has the low ph. Ammonia has the high ph.

Which would raise pH more ammonia vinegar coffee or lemon juice?

Ammonia, which is basic, would raise pH. Vinegar, coffee and lemon juice are all acidic and would cause pH to be lower.

Is ammonia or vinegar more acidic?

An acid is a substance which releases H+ ions when dissolved in water (i.e when in aqueous state). Vinegar is a an acid, with a pH of about 2. On the other hand, ammonia is a weak base, with a pH of about 9.

What is pH scale of ammonia?

The pH of standard ammonia is about 11

What is the pH of household ammonia?

Household ammonia has a pH of 11.5 to 12.5

Which pair of substances would likely neutralize each other lye and ammonia vinegar and battery acid vinegar and ammonia ammonia and calcium carbonate distilled water and rainwater?

vinegar and ammonia

What neutralizes ammonia?

Vinegar neutralizes ammonia.

How does the temperature affect the pH of vinegar?

Vinegar affects pH by making a liquid more acidic when it is added into the mix. It causes an increase in alkalinity in the body.

Chemical formula for ammonia and vinegar?

Ammonia is NH3

Is ammonia low pH?

Ammonia is a basic gas. It shows high ph if it is dissolved in water.

Is ammonia basic?

Ammonia is basic. About pH 12.

What is the pH level of ammonia solution?

The pH of ammonia solution is about 11. In a 1M ammonia solution (my guess is 17g/L), about 0.42% of the ammonia is converted to ammonium (my guess is 0.07 g/L), equivalent to a pH of 11.63.