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When minerals from the solution water dry up, they can evaporate. If you place salt in water and stir it completely, then wait for it to evaporate, salt crystals will be only of what's left. Thick deposits of halite formed through many of millions of years in seas that have evaporated so far. Useful minerals have also been used from evaporating from water. Some like Gypsum used for building materials, Calcite Crystals, used for microscopes, and also minerals like potassium, used for fertilizer. When minerals from the solution water dry up, they can evaporate. If you place salt in water and stir it completely, then wait for it to evaporate, salt crystals will be only of what's left. Thick deposits of halite formed through many of millions of years in seas that have evaporated so far. Useful minerals have also been used from evaporating from water. Some like Gypsum used for building materials, Calcite Crystals, used for microscopes, and also minerals like potassium, used for fertilizer.

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15y ago
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2w ago

The part of a solution that evaporates, leaving behind a mineral, is known as the solvent. As the solvent evaporates, it leaves the solute particles behind, eventually forming the mineral through the process of crystallization.

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6y ago

The remaining minerals are called evaporites.

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13y ago

it is water

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Q: What is the part of a solution that evaporates leaving a mineral?
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