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It is called the orbiter

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The part of a space shuttle that astronauts ride in is called the crew module or orbiter. It is the spacecraft's living quarters and the area where astronauts perform their tasks during the mission.

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Q: What is the part of a space shuttle that the astronauts ride called?
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What was the first manned space shuttle?

The first manned space shuttle was the Space Shuttle Columbia, which launched on April 12, 1981 as part of the STS-1 mission. It was piloted by astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen.

Who was the first to send a shuttle into space?

The first space shuttle to be sent into space was the Space Shuttle Columbia, launched on April 12, 1981, as part of the STS-1 mission. The crew consisted of astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen.

Name of first space shuttle to go to mars?

The first space shuttle to go to Mars is expected to be NASA's Orion spacecraft, which will carry astronauts to Mars as part of the Artemis program. As of now, no space shuttle has traveled to Mars.

What was The Columbia Space shuttle's purpose?

The Columbia space shuttle was part of NASA's Space Shuttle program, designed for conducting various scientific research experiments, deploying satellites, and servicing the International Space Station. It also played a crucial role in advancing space exploration and carrying astronauts to and from space.

What was US's first space shuttle called?

The US's first space shuttle was called Columbia. It was part of NASA's Space Shuttle Program and completed its first orbital flight on April 12, 1981.

What is the name of the space shuttle being used now?

The space shuttle currently being used for missions is SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft, which is used for transporting astronauts to and from the International Space Station (ISS) as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

What country launched the first shuttle?

The United States launched the first space shuttle, called the Space Shuttle Columbia, on April 12, 1981. It was part of the NASA space shuttle program.

What happens after the shace shuttle takes off?

After the space shuttle takes off, it will continue its journey into space until it reaches orbit. Once in orbit, the astronauts onboard will perform various tasks, such as conducting experiments or satellite deployments. Eventually, the shuttle will re-enter Earth's atmosphere and land back on Earth.

What are the four main parts to a space shuttel?

The four main parts of a space shuttle are the orbiter, which is the main part that astronauts live and work in, the solid rocket boosters, which help launch the shuttle into space, the external tank, which holds the fuel for the shuttle, and the main engines, which provide thrust during launch.

Why are switches in a space shuttle cockpit so big?

During the launch and re-entry of the Space Shuttle, the Astronauts must wear the large bulky gloves that are part of their space suits. The controls and switches are made larger so that they are easier to use while wearing those golves.

What is the name of the part of the rocket that carries astronots?

The part of the rocket that carries astronauts is called the crew module or the spacecraft. It is the section of the rocket designed to safely transport astronauts to and from space.