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What is the passage way into the cell?

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Q: What is the passage way into the cell?
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A passage way like a long hallway

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the cell membrane

What does call membraen do?

I guess you are asking of cell membrane.if it is true then the answer is as follows. cell membrane is the semi-permeable in its function i.e. it works as barrier which allows the passage of some molecules whiule preventing the passage of others in this way maintain the internal composition of the cell to constant or nearly constant.

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the passage way of blood is the vessel

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the cell wall-offers protection to a cell -allow material passage

What controls the passage of nutrients in and out of the cell?

The cell membrane controls what enters and exits a cell.

When was One Way Passage?

One Way Passage was created in 1932-09.

When was One Way Passage created?

One Way Passage was created in 1932-09.

What is the duration of One Way Passage?

The duration of One Way Passage is 1.13 hours.

What the purpose of plasmodesmata?

Plasmodesmata are holes in the cell wall of plants and algae that allow the cellular transfer of of proteins and macromolecules in and out of the cell. The cell wall does not have gap junctions or intermembrane proteins like the cell membrane does, so the cell needed another way to allow passage into and out of the cell, which is where plasmodesmata developed.

What do you do after you get in the secret passage on nabooti?

you try to get the jewl in there and also they have a cell phone that you will need later to call someone by the way the number iz 555-6789