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WizWeb is the password

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Q: What is the password to portal Buster on wizard of Waverly place?
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Will they show wizards of Waverly place after who will be the family wizard?


Where is alexs journal in wizard of Waverly place?

in the lair

Were do you vote for the family wizard on wizard of Waverly place?

You go on the Disney website or you could type in Google: Wizards of Waverly place vote Disney Channel Hope this helped

What is the last episode of Wizards Of Waverly Place?

Who Will Be The Family Wizard

Which award wizard of Waverly place has not won?

grammy award

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Is jazzlyne marae on wizard of Waverly place?

yes.... jazzlyne marae is on ... wizard of Waverly place

What street does the wizard of Waverly live on?

They live on Waverly Place street.Duhhhh

How can you become a wizard of Waverly place for real?

One of your parents has to be a wizard.

When does the wizard competion start in the wizard of Waverly place?

In the last episode.

Want to send mail to wizard of Waverly place?

If you want to "Send Mail To Wizard of Waverly Place" go to'" and hit on Wizards of Waverly Place" and click on E-Mail. =]

How many spells are they in wizard of Waverly place?

There is 221 spells in wizards of waverly place.

When was wizard of Waverly place released?


When is the wizard competion on wizards of Waverly place?

This friday, 6 In the episode: "Who will be the family wizard?"

Where are all the trinkets in wizards of Waverly place?

where are all the the trinkets for wizard of waverly place on ds

What is wizard 101 hack password?

What is wizard 101 hack 2.8 password?

Is Alex from 'Wizards of Waverly Place' is she a real wizard?

The character Alex is a wizard. In real life, the actress is not a wizard.

Is David Henrie a wizard?

No, he is not a wizard. He only plays a wizard on the Disney Channel show "Wizards of Waverly Place".