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The period when interphase ends in the parent cell is G2. The period of cell growth before DNA duplication is G1.

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Q: What is the period when interphase ends in the parent cell?
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What is interphase in genetics?

Interphase is part of the cell cycle; it begins when cell division ends & finishes when mitosis starts

What cell cycle phases occur during interphase?

Interphase consists of G1, S, when DNA is replicated, and G2. Interphase ends when mitosis begins.

Which Cellular events occur during interphase?

The cell grows and the nuclear DNA is replicated.Growth occurs in early interphase (the G1 stage) and late interphase (the G2 stage). DNA replication takes place during mid-interphase (the S stage).Growth involves, among other processes, transcription of activated genes and translation of messenger RNA, resulting in protein synthesis.The Cell carries out metabolic processes primarily concerned with Growth, and DNA is replicated during S-Phase, which is found between the G1 and G2 Phases.Interphase begins with and ends with a Nuclear Division. Nuclear Division will not occur during Interphase.

Is the parent cell diploid a characteristic of meiosis not mitosis?

Mitosis starts with a diploid parent cell and ends with two diploid daughter cells. Meiosis starts with a diploid parent cell and ends with haploid daugther cells. The number of cells produced depends on the type of gamete being generated.

Cells nucleus during interphase?

DNA is always present in every stage of the cell cycle...reproducing it is the whole purpose of the cell cycle! In interphase, there are three phases: the cell grows (G1), duplicates each strand of DNA (S), and gets ready for mitosis (M). During the first part of interphase the chromosomes are long and thin, and single-stranded, making them very hard to see without a very powerful microscope. During the last 2 stages of interphase, the DNA is duplicated but is still long and thin. It is only in the prophase stage of mitosis that they are condensed enough to often be seen with a "normal" microscope on high power (400x) . By the end of mitosis, the doubled-chromosomes have been pulled apart and into opposite ends of the parent cell. When the cell has finished dividing, each "daughter cell" has the original number of single-stranded chromosomes. The chromosomes "uncoil", and the cell matures during G1 phase of interphase. Many people believe that DNA and/or Chromosomes (Chromosomes are made of DNA, remember.) are only present during mitosis. They just get fatter during mitosis by coiling tighter. Thus they are more easily seen. BUT.. just because you don't see them in interphase doesn't mean they aren't there!

What are the four stages of the cell division?

The first four stages of cell division are; interphase, prophase, metaphase and anaphase. Chromosomes are coped during interphase. Prophase is when mitosis begins. Chromatids attach to the spindle fibers during the metaphase. The chromatids separate and move to opposite ends of the cell during anaphase.

Is identical diploid daughter cells mitosis?

mitosis ends with 2 identical daughter cells and meiosis ends with 4 non-identical sister chromatids.

Is prophase the busiest in the cell cycle?

No. Interphase is. The cell is getting everything ready that it will need to divide.In Prophase chromatin in the nucleus begins to condense and becomes visible in the light microscope as chromosomes. The nucleolus disappears. Centrioles begin moving to opposite ends of the cell and fibers extend from the centromeres. Some fibers cross the cell to form the mitotic spindle.

Many cells grow and divide every day by what process?

The process is called cell division or mitosis.The cell replicates its DNA (interphase), then the long DNA strings (chromatine) condense into bundles called chromosomes and the nuclear membrane breaks down (prophase). The chromosomes align in the center of the cell while "strings" (microtubules) are formed from centrioles at the cell's poles towards the chromosomes (metaphase).The strings attach to the chromosomes and pull them towards opposite sides of the cell (anaphase - remember, they got duplicated in the interphase).The chromosomes decondense back to chromatine and around each of the chromosome sets new nuclear membranes are built (telophase).Mitosis ends here, i.e. the next interphase begins with replication of the DNA.Cell division is finished as soon as the cell membrane constricts in the middle of the cell and seperates the two new cells.

What has to happen before a cell divides?

It will go through mitosis and interphase. During interphase the cell grows, replicates DNA and prepares for cell division. then during mitosis it has to through four stages. prophase,metaphase,anphase,and telophase. During these four stages chromosomes duplicate, nucleus begins to divide, chromatids attach to the spindle fibers, chromatids separate and begin to move opposite ends of the cell, two nucei form, and finally the cell membrane moves inward to create two identical cells-each with it's own nucleus with identical chromosomes.

What does an declarative sentence ends with?

It ends with a Period??

What are the four basic sentence structures?

Declarative-ends with a period Imperative-ends with a period Exclamatory-ends with an exclamation mark Interrogative-ends with a question mark