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Shortly, the chemical and physical properties of chemical elements recur periodically in the Periodic Table arrangement.

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Q: What is the periodic table law?
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What does the periodic law establishes?

The periodic law establishes that elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in the periodic table, and elements with similar properties are grouped together in columns called groups. This law allows for the prediction of an element's properties based on its position in the periodic table.

What came first the periodic law or the periodic table?

The periodic law came first. Mendeleev enunciated this law as "when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weight, there is a periodic repetition of their chemical properties". He proceeded to construct a table based around this law. In constructing the periodic table Mendeleev used remarkable chemical insight, changing the atomic weights of several elements, atomic weight and valence of a few, and leaving a few spaces where there seemed to be room for an undiscovered element in the table -- he was able to predict the chemical properties of these then undiscovered elements with amazing accuracy.

What is the name of the table of elements?

The table of elements is called the Periodic Table of Elements. It organizes all known chemical elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties.

When the elements are arranged by increasing atomic number there will be a periodic repetition of their prop?

erties, known as the periodic law. This arrangement is known as the periodic table, where elements with similar properties are placed in the same column. The periodic table helps to predict an element's properties based on its position.

What is the periodic law?

Periodic Table of elements.

Related questions

How periodic law leads the foundation of modern periodic table?

modern periodic law

What is pattern of repeating properties of elements revealed in the periodic table called?

The pattern of repeating properties of elements in the periodic table is called periodicity. This periodicity arises from the similar electronic structure and arrangements of elements within the table.

What is the periodic table according to?

This is the law of periodicity.

State the periodic law on which Mendeleev's Periodic table was based and why and how this periodic law changed?

Mendeleev's Periodic Table was based on the periodic law which states that the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic masses. This law changed with the discovery of atomic number by Moseley which stated that the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic numbers, leading to a more accurate and modern periodic table based on atomic number.

What is the pattern in repeating the properties of elements revealed in the periodic table?

Periodic law,,,

What is the pattern in repeating the properties of elements in the periodic table called?

Periodic law,,,

What are the different features of periodic table?

- the periodic table is organized in periods and groups- chemical elements are listed in the order of the atomic number- the periodic table obey the law of periodicity

Who assembled the periodic table?

The modern long form of periodic table was constructed by Neils Bohr based on modern periodic law proposed by Moseley.

What is the pattern in repeating the properties of elements in the periodic table known as?

Periodicity, or periodic law.

The pattern of repeating properties of elements revealed in the periodic table is known as what?

Periodicity, or periodic law.

What does the periodic law establishes?

The periodic law establishes that elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in the periodic table, and elements with similar properties are grouped together in columns called groups. This law allows for the prediction of an element's properties based on its position in the periodic table.

Who developed the modern periodic table and wrote the periodic law?

Dimitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist in 1869.