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The ventricles relax during diastole.

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Q: What is the phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles relax between contractions?
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Cardiac cycle when do you hear the first heart sound snd second?

when the ventricles closes and between the atria and the ventricles.

Relaxation of the ventricles is?

Is the beginning of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles start to relax all four chambers are in diastole.

What is a terminal systole?

is the sthrenght of the last contraction of the ventricles of the heart, at the end of the cardiac cycle.

What is the term that refers to the portion of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles contract and eject blood from the heart?

Systolic pressure

How hydrostatic pressure is generated in the heart?

Hydrostatic pressure is generated by the systole (contraction of the ventricles).

During which phase of the cardiac cycle do the ventricles relax and fill with blood?

diastole is when all 4 chambers of the heart are at rest after a cardiac cycle systole is the term used to describe the heart during a contraction

What part of the cardiac cycle is associated with the QRS complex?

The cardiac cycle refers to a complete heartbeat, including the systole and diastole. The QRS complex occurs during the depolarization of the right and left ventricles of the human heart.

Is the p wave part of the cardiac cycle?

Yes - On an ECG the P wave is the first wave of the cardiac cycle. It represents the Sinoatrial node which is the natural pacemaker of the heart firing and causing the atria to contract in order to fill the ventricles.

What is the period of time called between the beginning of one heartbeat and the start of the next?

Cardiac cycle

During which 2 periods of the cardiac cycle do the heart muscle fibers exhibit isometric contractions?

Isovolumetric contraction and Isovolumetric Relaxation

What happens immediately after the QRS wave of the cardiac cycle?

There are a number of things that may happen during the QRS wave. There will be ventricular depolarization and right after absolute refractory period for ventricles will occur.

What events make up a cardiac cyle?

what takes place is that zekrom and reshiram start to fight and then kyurem joins in the fight hence black and white and in between there is gray just like truth and ideals and bouandry's of the fight between pokemon.