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Q: What is the plot of the fable the song of the morrow?
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The lesson that a fable teaches is often referred to as the moral of the story. It is the overarching message or idea that the fable is trying to convey through its characters and plot.

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Plot is to story as what is to song?

lyrics is to song.

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The cast of The Song of the Morrow - 1998 includes: Phoebe Boxer as Nurse Denise Devlin as Narrator Anna Dewsbury as Crone Rosalie Dores as Daughter Kevin Drury as Comer

Is it me or does the Fable theme song sounds the same as the intro in A little piece of heaven by A7X?

If your talking about the first fable then yes it does.

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The king is robinas father

What are the 3 parts of a fable?

The 3 parts of a fable are the introduction (setting the scene or characters), the plot (narrative events that unfold), and the moral or message (lesson or principle conveyed through the story).

What is the pause menu song in Fable 2 called?

The Temple Of Light

What is the plot of Lust for Life?

this is Actually a song by Iggy Pop so not sure if there is some plot behind it other than its a song not a plot, so yeah. Question, answered. .thumbs up.

Who sings the song in the fable 3?

Young Men Dead - Black Angels

What are the lyrics for the song on Dragon Fable in necropoils?

I dont know.... but you can try looking up ''warcry of the paladin'' the name of the song