

What is the plural of blood?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is the plural of blood?
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What is the collective noun for blood?

The plural form of blood is blood.

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The plural form of thrombus is thrombi.The plural is "thrombi" (from Latin), meaning blood clots within a blood vessel, or in the heart. If a blood clot reaches the lungs, it can cause pulmonary thrombosis.

The air spaces in the lungs are surounded by blood vesselswhich gas goes into the blood here?

These would be the alveoli (plural).

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The plural form of the word atrium is atria. The atria are the two upper cavities of the heart from which blood is passed to the ventricles.

What will happen if blood enters the plural cavity?

Pressure on the lung leading it to collapse

In the respiratory system oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood in clusters called?

Alveoli (plural) and alveolus (singular)

What small structure in the lung is the site of oxygen exchange with blood capillaries?

The alveolus or alveoli (plural).

What is yridssaasc unscrambled?

There is a plural medical term "dyscrasias" (unspecified blood disorders).Without the C, the anagram is disarrays.

What is the medical term meaning blood clotting?

The medical term for blood clot(s) is thrombus (plural thrombi). Thrombosis refers to an abnormal condition of clot formation.A Thrombosis is the medical term for a blood clot.thrombi

Is relatives a concrete noun?

Yes. the plural noun 'relatives' is a concrete noun, a word for people connected by blood or marriage.

What is the plural form of blood?

Blood is a collective uncountable term, but in the sense of tribes or tribal members, it could be "bloods" -- but this would have very rare and specific uses.Example:The chicken coop showed traces of chicken, dog, and cougar blood. (not bloods)

What is the counter noun for blood?

The word "blood" is a non-count (mass) noun, a word for a substance. Units of mass nouns are expressed as amounts or measures, for example a pint of blood, some blood, a lot of blood, a spot of blood, etc. The plural form for some mass nouns is reserved for 'types of' or 'kinds of'; for example: The lab identified two bloods on the garment, animal and human.