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The plural of brain is brains

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The plural of brain is brains.

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What is the plural form of the word brain?


Plural word for brain?

Brains is both a plural usage of the word, and slang terminology to imply hitting someone about the head.

How do you spell brain in French?

the brain is spelled 'le cerveau' (masc., plural: des cerveaux) in French.

What do you call a mythical horse that lives under the sea or a part of your brain?

I believe its called a hippocampus or hippocampi for plural.

Why do scientist call the hippo a hippocampis?

They don't I beileve the hippocampis is a part of the brain used for memory unless hippocampis is plural hippo

What is the plural of pituitary?

Pituitaries, technically, but it would mostly be "pituitary glands" since everything pituitary has to do with the pituitary gland, which is part of the brain.

Is nuclei the same as a nucleus?

No, nuclei and nucleus are not the same. Nuclei is the plural form of nucleus. Nucleus is the central part of an atom, containing most of the mass, while nuclei refer to multiple nuclei.

What is the function of folds in a mammalian brain?

They are called sulci (plural of sulcus).

How do you spell hemisherectomies?

The term is "hemispherectomy" (plural hemispherectomies), meaning the removal or disconnection of a portion of the brain, usually to treat seizures.

What is the definition of brain fissures?

Brain fissures are convolutions in the structure of the brain that form valleys between folds. The valleys are called fissures or sulci (plural of sulcus), and lie between the raised folds called gyri (singular gyrus).Many brain features are identified with fissures, including Broca's fissure, the Fissure of Sylvius, the central (Rolando's) fissure, and the hippocampal fissure.

Is the word brains singular?

No, brains is plural. Example; Dr. Bowers removed Charlie's brain. vs. Dr Bowers removed the brains from Charlie and Sharon.

Childrens cartoon about people living in a brain?

Brains ( plural) was a character on the animated series Thunderbirds. He wore specs and was an engineer. He was responsible for the design and maintenance of most of the Thunderbird vehicles, and significantly, was NOT a member of the Tracy family. That"s the only one I can think of, pun intended, don your thinking cap! Brains was a puppet and thus not strictly speaking a cartoon character. Pinky and The Brain, Pinky and The Brain... One is a genius, and the other's insane... They're laboratory mice, Whose genes have been spliced... They're dinky! They're Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,Brain,Brain,Brain,Brain... Animaniacs!