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Q: What is the plural of lobby?
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Related questions

What is plural for lobby?

The plural form for the noun lobby is lobbies.

What is the plural of occurrence?

Occurrences is the plural of occurrence: On how many occurrences did you observe Mr. Gray waiting in the lobby?

Why loobbies are bad?

I can't find loobbies! So check your spelling. I assume it should be lobbies, which is the plural for a lobby: as in 'He went into the hotel's lobby.' If I'm wrong, provide more information.

Is lobby a noun?

Yes, "lobby" is indeed a noun. It refers to a room or an area in a building, such as a hotel or office, where people can wait, gather, or meet. Additionally, "lobby" can also mean a group of people who try to influence decisions made by a government or organization.

What is the plural of goodmorning?

The plural form for the noun 'good-morning' (or good morning, an open spaced of hyphenated compound noun) is good-mornings.A cheerful series of good mornings greeted us as we passed through the lobby.

How do you get into a hack lobby?

You get invited into a private lobby and accept that invite that is how get into a hacked lobby.

What is the job of lobby manager?

He/She/It manages the lobby.

What is a lobby in a fancy hotel called?

A lobby

What is an example sentence for lobby?

Wait in the lobby for the doctor to call your name.We will lobby for tighter gun control.

How do you make a challenge lobby on call of duty modern warfare 2?

get a lobby and challendge it to a duel, if you happen to beat the lobby you just have created a challedge lobby

Where is the lobby in French?

Où est le lobby?

When was Hotel Lobby created?

Hotel Lobby was created in 1943.