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The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to declare war.

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12y ago

The US congress has the power to declare war, but the president must sign off on it.

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7y ago

It takes a vote of congress to declare war. The president can't declare war.

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Q: What is the power of congress to declare war?
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The Congress has the power to declare this?

Congress has the power to declare war.

Who vhas the power to declare war?

Congress has the power to declare war. The president of the United States is the commander of the military but cannot declare war without Congress.

Who has the ultimate power to declare war?

Congress has the power to declare war not the President.

Can congress declare war on another country?

yes they can. only congress has the power to do it. the president has no power to declare war

What government agency has power to declare war?

The power to declare war is a power that belongs to Congress.

Does each state have the power to declare war?

Each state does not have the power to declare war. Only Congress can declare war.

Congress has the power to declare this?


Who declare war in the us?

well the congress have the power to declare war

Can the Department of Defense declare war?

No, the President does not have the power to declare war. That power is reserved to Congress by Article I, Section 8. The President is empowered to deploy troops for limited purposes and limited periods of time under the War Powers Act, but he has no power to declare war.

Why is the power to declare war a hollow power for congress?

The executive order goes around Congress' ability to declare war. Basically, the president has the ability to declare war (though not officially).

The power of Congress to declare war is an?

enumerated power :)

What is the listed power that is not given to congress?

congress can not declare war