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The other prefixes for explode are "post" and "pre".

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11y ago

the prefix is ex

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Q: What is the prefix of explode?
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What is the prefix to explode?

The prefix to explode is "ex-"

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The verb for explode is "explode."

What does a prefix change from a word?

A prefix is a part at the beginning of a word, like prefix the prefix is pre........ in untold its un. if you took the prefix out it would be told, if you didnt take it out it would untold meaning it wasnt told.

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Caterpillar do not explode.

Can i explode?

Your stomach can explode which can kill you :)

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If Ben Jones wants them to explode, they will explode.

When you use the explode command it will not explode the block?

no it will actually explode the specified range you typed in

Did the Discovery shuttle explode?

No, Discovery did not explode.

Can you explode due to chocolate allergies?

No, you will not explode.

Will a battery explode if you put it in the fridge?

No, it will not explode.

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Explode, break