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Q: What is the pressure in atmospheres of a 0.108mol sample of He gas at a temperature of 20.0C if its volume is 0.505L?
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If the temperature is increased What happens to the partial pressure of oxygen in a sample of air?

If the temperature is increased, the partial pressure of oxygen in a sample of air will also increase. This is because as the temperature rises, the oxygen molecules in the air will have greater kinetic energy and will exert more pressure.

Do gases exert pressure?

Yes. Any sample of gas in a closed container will exert pressure on the container, as long as the temperature of the gas is above absolute zero. You can force the gas into a smaller volume by shrinking the container, but that action raises the temperature and pressure of the gas.

What is the pressure in the atmospheres of a 0.108 mole sample of helium gas at a temperature of 20 celsius if its volume is 0.505L?

The pressure of the helium gas can be calculated using the ideal gas law: (PV = nRT), where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin. First, convert the temperature to Kelvin (293K), then plug the values into the equation and solve for P to find the pressure in atmospheres.

What sample is highly compressible at high pressure and expandable at high temperature?


What happens to a fixed sample of gas when its temperature changes?

When the temperature of a fixed sample of gas changes, its particles will gain or lose kinetic energy, leading to a change in their speed and collisions. This results in a change in pressure and volume of the gas, according to the ideal gas law.

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If the temperature is increased, the partial pressure of oxygen in a sample of air will also increase. This is because as the temperature rises, the oxygen molecules in the air will have greater kinetic energy and will exert more pressure.

Is it possible to liquefy c02 at a temperature of 40 degrees celsius?

The critical temperature for carbon dioxide is 304K (87.8°F [31°C]). That means that no amount of pressure applied to a sample of carbon dioxide gas at or above 304K (87.8°F [31°C]) will cause the gas to liquefy. At or below that temperature, however, the gas can be liquefied provided sufficient pressure is applied. The corresponding critical pressure for carbon dioxide at 304K (87.8°F [31°C]) is 72.9 atmospheres (~73000 kPa). In other words, the application of a pressure of 72.9 atmospheres of pressure on a sample of carbon dioxide gas at 304K (87.8°F [31°C]) will cause the gas to liquefy. See related link to read more about the Liquefaction of Gases.

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The sample of water that has the lowest vapor pressure is the sample at a lower temperature. Vapor pressure decreases as temperature decreases because fewer molecules have enough energy to escape into the gas phase.

At an international science convention a sample of gas was labeled 15 20 kPa kilopascal How should this pressure be written in atmospheres ATM?


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20.26 kPa is 0.2 ATM

Do gases exert pressure?

Yes. Any sample of gas in a closed container will exert pressure on the container, as long as the temperature of the gas is above absolute zero. You can force the gas into a smaller volume by shrinking the container, but that action raises the temperature and pressure of the gas.

What is the pressure in the atmospheres of a 0.108 mole sample of helium gas at a temperature of 20 celsius if its volume is 0.505L?

The pressure of the helium gas can be calculated using the ideal gas law: (PV = nRT), where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin. First, convert the temperature to Kelvin (293K), then plug the values into the equation and solve for P to find the pressure in atmospheres.