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The digestive system has various parts each with its function. Producing bile is the main purpose of liver. The bile emulsifies fats to aid digestion in the small intestine.

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Q: What is the responsibility of liver in aiding digestion?
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What bacterium maintains human health by aiding in digestion?

Escherichia coli

What type of food are digested in the liver?

none, it only stores extra bile from the liver until needed.

How does the liver help with liver fat digestion?

Yes, it metabolizes lipids.

What part of digestion does the liver play?

The liver is like a filter for the bloodstream.

The liver is an accessory organ of digestion and is not physically involved in the process of digestion?

Yes, the liver is an accessory digestive organ, as no food goes into it.

How does your liver help digest your food?

Digestion occurs in the stomach and small intestine. The liver helps via metabolism of nutrients (but not by digestion).

Is the largest gland in human body?

Liver. It makes and releases substances that are used elsewhere in the body. The liver has many functions, such as removing bacteria, waste, and aiding in digestion. The liver is very important. Humans cannot live without a functioning liver. The liver processes blood and uses the nutrients found in blood and uses it for its functions.

Where organ is important in processing substances after they are absorbed during digestion?

The Liver.

Does the liver separate blood and help in digestion?

the liver is a vital organ and has a wide range of functions one of them is to help digestion. it is necessary for our living and yes it does seperate the blood and definetly helps in digestion

How is the liver both types of digestion?


Does chemical digestion take place in the liver?

Chemical digestion does not take place in the liver, rather, the liver secretes digestive liquids into the small intestine. The actual digestion takes place in the small intestine.

What role does your liver play in digestion?

The position of the liver will directly affect the digestion process. The liver will usually secrete bile, which will help in the breakdown of fats.