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Q: What is the process by which convection evens out a temperature?
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What transfer of energy by movement of fluids or gases with different temperatures is called?

pressure increase causes temperature increase temperature increase causes pressure increase when volume is constant that's Boyle's law if the temperature increases the speed of the molecules increase and the number of collisions increases . different slant on the same thing i guess. Brown usually Brownian motion.

Is temperature the only factor that drives convection?

No Density also drives convection.

What is the exact meaning of convection?

The act or process of conveying or transmitting., A process of transfer or transmission, as of heat or electricity, by means of currents in liquids or gases, resulting from changes of temperature and other causes.

Synonym for convection?

temperature change

How can convection be transferred?

You don't transfer convection. Rather, convection is a process whereby heat energy is transferred.

What is the process of convection with reference to some equipments used in the home?

Convection is a vacuum like effect in which a cyclical balance of hot rising air and cooler falling air maintain a more consistent temperature in an oven or microwave.

What are 3 methods of heat transfer?

Heat (or thermal) energy is kinetic energy due to motion of atoms and molecules. It is energy that is in the process of being transferred from one object to another because of their temperature difference

Does convection have a certain temperature?

most likely it does

What are circulating currents in a fluid called?

If it is a result of temperature differences, it is called convection.

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I think it is tides or upwelling?

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