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The process by which organic matter breaks down to become part of the soil is called decomposition. Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi break down organic matter into simpler compounds through chemical reactions. These compounds then become part of the soil, enriching it with nutrients that support plant growth.

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Q: What is the process by which organic matter breaks down to become part of the soil?
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How does organic matter get into the soil?

Organic matter gets into the soil through the decomposition of plants, animals, and other organic materials. This process is carried out by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and earthworms, which break down the organic material into nutrients that can be absorbed by plants. Organic matter also enters the soil through the addition of compost, manure, and plant residues.

What component of the soil will exposed rock eventually weather to form?

Exposed rock will weather to form minerals in the soil through a process called physical and chemical weathering. This process breaks down the rock into smaller particles that mix with organic matter to become part of the soil's mineral content.

How can magma become soil?

Magma becomes soil through the process of weathering and erosion. As magma cools and solidifies, it forms igneous rock. Over time, this rock breaks down into smaller particles through weathering. These particles can then mix with organic matter and minerals, eventually forming soil suitable for plant growth.

Is leaves decaying in the forest chemical or mechanical weathering?

The process of leaves decaying in the forest is considered to be chemical weathering. During decay, organic matter in the leaves breaks down and releases minerals into the soil, altering its composition. This chemical process aids in the weathering of rocks and contributes to soil formation.

What begins soil formation?

Soil formation begins with the weathering of rocks, which breaks them down into smaller particles. This process is further influenced by factors such as climate, topography, organisms, and time, leading to the development of soil through the accumulation of organic matter and mineral particles.

Related questions

How does organic matter become humus?

Organic matter breaks down (decays) to form humus.

What does organic matter make when it breaks down'?

Organic matter breaks down into smaller molecules such as carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This process is facilitated by microorganisms like bacteria and fungi that decompose the organic material.

What does bacteria do in decomposer?

breaks down organic matter

What change is decomposition to matter?

Decomposition is the process by which organic matter breaks down into simpler compounds by the action of microorganisms. This process releases nutrients back into the environment, allowing them to be recycled and reused by living organisms.

What is called after you die and your body decays?

After you die and your body decays, it is called decomposition. Decomposition is the process by which organic matter breaks down into simpler substances.

How does organic matter get into the soil?

Organic matter gets into the soil through the decomposition of plants, animals, and other organic materials. This process is carried out by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and earthworms, which break down the organic material into nutrients that can be absorbed by plants. Organic matter also enters the soil through the addition of compost, manure, and plant residues.

What is detritivore that breaks down organic matter into simpler compounds?


What are the Detritivore that breaks down organic matter?

fungi and bacteria

What does the word decomposer mean in science?

In science, a decomposer refers to an organism, usually a microorganism or fungus, that breaks down dead organic matter into simpler substances. This process releases nutrients back into the ecosystem, contributing to the recycling of matter.

What does organic matter become?

It becomes humus!

What component of the soil will exposed rock eventually weather to form?

Exposed rock will weather to form minerals in the soil through a process called physical and chemical weathering. This process breaks down the rock into smaller particles that mix with organic matter to become part of the soil's mineral content.

Process which promotes biological degradation of organic matter in water is called?

The process that promotes the biological degradation of organic matter in water is called biodegradation. Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi break down organic compounds into simpler substances as part of this natural process.