

What is the process of Eutrophication?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Eutrophication is caused by an excessive amount of nitrogen and organic compound from fertilisers that are not absorbed by plants washed into nearby rivers and lakes. These organic compounds promote the growth of algae, and the algae may overgrow and cover the entire water surface, which prevents light from penetrating into the water. The submerged plants cannot photosynthesis with the light energy and they die. The dead bodies are then decomposed by bacteria, which uses up more oxygen for decomposition. The fishes and other aquatic organisms are then deprived of oxygen and they die.

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Eutrophication is the aging of a lake caused by increased plant growth due to excessive nutrients. For example, if a lake is polluted with phosphorous, a key ingredient in fertilizers, it will cause the algae and other plant to grow faster and in abundance causing the lake to dry up. Eventually, area that used to be the lake can turn into a swampy area or a bog.

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11y ago

Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water receive even more nutrients, usually nitrogen and phosphorous, that stimulate excessive growth of algae. They are usually introduced into the water by run-off from fertilisers from near-by fields.

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the excessive amount of nutrition's on the water bodies is known as eutrofication

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a process that increases the amount of nutrients in a body of water through human activities, such as waste disposal and land drainage.

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The rivers, streams and sea in a process called eutrophication. For more information search eutrophication on google.

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. eutrophication

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Eutrophication is a process where excessive nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, accumulate in a body of water, leading to algal blooms and oxygen depletion, harming aquatic life.

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