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(the water vapor condenses onto the small dust particles in the air creating clouds)

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Q: What is the process of clouds forming when water vapor in the air becomes liquid water?
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What is an example of changeing gas into liquid?

The change process is evoporation and an example is water to water vapor

What process occurs when a gas changes to a liquid?

The process by which a gas changes to a liquid is called condensation. This occurs when the gas loses energy (usually in the form of heat) and its molecules slow down, coming closer together and forming a liquid. This can happen through cooling or increasing pressure.

What cycle is when water vapor becomes liquid?

The cycle is called the hydrologic or H2O cycle. Specifically, condensation is the process in which water vapor transforms into a liquid. This process is responsible for the development of clouds and fog.

What is the process by which a gas becomes liquid?

The process in which a gas becomes a liquid is called condensation.

How does water vapor in the air change into liquid droplets forming clouds?


Liquid water is changed to water vapor by the process of Water vapor forms into clouds by the process of?

Liquid water changes to water vapor through the process of evaporation. Water vapor forms clouds through the process of condensation, where the water vapor cools and condenses into tiny water droplets or ice crystals that come together to form clouds.

What does condensation in the water cycle mean?

Condensation is the process by which water vapor, as a gas, condenses into liquid water. This is the basis for clouds forming and various forms of precipitation such as rain, sleet, snow, etc.

What does condensation in the water cycle?

Condensation is the process by which water vapor, as a gas, condenses into liquid water. This is the basis for clouds forming and various forms of precipitation such as rain, sleet, snow, etc.

The process in which a substance changes from a gaseous state to a liquid state is?

Condensation is the process in which a substance changes from a gaseous state to a liquid state. This occurs when the gas loses energy (usually in the form of heat) and becomes more tightly packed together, forming liquid droplets.

What condensation mean in the water cycle?

Condensation is the process by which water vapor, as a gas, condenses into liquid water. This is the basis for clouds forming and various forms of precipitation such as rain, sleet, snow, etc.


A process in which a liquid changes to a solid forming crystals

In which state of matter is water found?

Water is found in all three states of matter: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor). It can transition between these states depending on factors such as temperature and pressure.